Morrinsville Residents

1852 to 1912

  • These files were started on 30 September 1990 and updated since then as names and references became available. If you have any family members that you wish to add to the list please send us a message through our contact form.
  • Names are listed according to the earliest written record or family information obtained. Not all arrival dates are accurate – in one occasion there were 20 years between the first written record and the actual arrival to Morrinsville.
  • Departure date is either the date of death or the date recorded as leaving the district.
  • Names marked with (*) indicate that the museum holds further information or photographs of this person.
Bailey Jane
Annandale, PiakoDomestic DutiesE.R 1893
Bailey ThomasAnnandale, PiakoGardener
E.R. 1893
Balle Charles ChristianMorrinsvilleDairy FarmerE.R. 1908
Balle ElizabethMorrinsvilleMarriedE.R. 1908
Balle EmanuelMorrinsvilleCarpenterE.R. 1908
Balle' CharlesMorrinsvilleFarmerE.R. 1908
Barber JohnMorrinsvilleU/KE.R. April 1880
Barnaby *MorrinsvilleCounter handS- 1912
Barron JamesMorrinsvilleJoinerE.R. 1908
Bartlett EthelwinaMorrinsvilleDomestic DutiesE.R. 1902
Bartlett JosephMorrinsvillePlatelayerE.R. 1902
Bartlett JosephU/KE.R. 1908
Baxter Charles TempleMorrinsvilleFarmerE.R. 1908
Baxter William EnnisMorrinsvilleFarmerS.R.March 1907
Beach Walter Spring *c/-JCR Watts, MorrinsvillePainterS. - 1906
Bell AlexanderMorrinsvilleSettlerE.R. 1908
Bell DavidMorrinsvilleFarmerE.R. 1899
Bell Harold LKiwitahi7-Dec-11
Bell James jnr.KiwitahiFarmerE.R. 1908
Bell JaneKiwitahiSpinsterE.R. 1908
Bell MaryKiwitahi MarriedE.R 1908
Bell Mary ElizabethKiwitahiDomestic DutiesE.R. 1908
Bell WilliamWaltonFarmerE.R. 1908
Bell MaryMorrinsvilleDomestic DutiesE.R. 1902
Bennett W. J.O. 1911
Bensemann Ada (Mrs J. W.)c/-JCR Watts, MorrinsvilleU/KO. 1911
Beresford ThomasAnnandale, PiakoFarm handE.R. 1908
Bernecker Rudolph Gottlieb DouglasKiwitahiSurfacemanE.R. 1908
BerryMorrinsvilleU/K?Feb. 1906
Best Albert GeorgePiakoPloughmanE.R. 1908
Best KateAnnandaleDomestic DutiesE.R. 1902
Best Albert George.AnnandaleU/KS.R. Feb 1907
Bew MrJenkins Est, MotumaohoU/KS.R April 1881
BishopMorrinsvilleCarpenterS. 1906
Blackmore Albert JamesMorrinsvilleFarmerE.R. Nov 1908
Blackmore Eliza JaneMorrinsvilleMarriedSR Feb 1908
Blackmore Lewis25-Mar-05
Blades HarryMorrinsvilleLabourerE.R. 1893
Blain JamesMorrinsvilleSettlerMS 19001-Nov-20
Blain Catherine BridgetMorrinsvilleMarriedE.R. Nov 1908
Blain Elizabeth AgnesMorrinsvilleSpinsterE.R. Nov 1908
Bloomfield Elizabeth Mrs(W.)O. 1911
Blott HaroldKereone EstateFarm HandE.R. Nov 1908
Boardman Thomas R.MorrinsvilleCarpenterE.R. 1893
Bonnevie Hakon *MorrinsvilleRestaurant/keeperO.1911
Bolton PatrickPiakoS.R. Feb. 1880
Bolton ThomasPiakoS.R. July 1882
Bradly William Wyborn LloydMorinsvilleFarmer/BlacksmithE.R. Nov 1902
Brady James G.MorrinsvilleSalesmanS R Oct. 1895
Brayant? WilliamMorrinsvilleU/KS.R/ May 1889
Brayshaw Lily MayMorrinsvilleO. 1911
Brayshaw George William*MorrinsvilleClerkE.R. 16 April 1908
Bremner Alexander*MorrinsvilleFarmer/PostmasterE.R. 187325-Nov-05
Bremner Isabel MaryKiwitahiDomestic DutiesS.R. Aug. 1879
Bridgeman George HockingMorrinsvilleM. Home MissionaryE.R. Nov 1908
Bridgeman JuneMorrinsvilleDomestic DutiesE.R. Nov 1908
Brooks SarahMorrinsvilleMarriedE.R. Nov 1902
Brooks WilliamsMorrinsvilleLabourer/GardenerE.R. Nov 1902
Broomfield Charles JonesWaihouCreamery ManagerE.R. 1893
Brown Mr R.S.Morrinsville HotelHotel ProprietorM. 26 May 1881
Bruce Eliza CatherineScotchman Valley, TauwhareSpinsterSup2E.R. 15 Feb. 1909
Bryant WilliamMorrinsvilleRailway GangerE.R. 1893
Bryers F.Morrinsville
Buck S.W.MorrinsvilleHotel ProprietorM. 30 Sept.1884
Bullock Albert ErnestMorrinsvilleBuilderE.R.Nov.1908
Bullot ClaraKiwitahiDomestic DutiesE.R.Nov.1899
Bullot Ernest ParkerKiwitahiPlatelayerE.R.Nov 1899
Burge Emily JanetWaitoaWidowE.R.Nov.1908
Burge SamuelWaihouFarm HandE.R. Nov. 1908
Burn Murdoch Archibal A.W.KiwitahiPloughmanE.R. Nov 1899
Burnett Frederick WWaltonFarmerS.R. 1885
Burnett HerbertWaltonFarmerE.R. 1893
Burrell H.E.MorrinsvilleStationmasterS.R. Feb. 1908
Butler ElizabethMorrinsvilleMarriedE.R. Nov. 1908
Butler Michael PierceMorrinsvilleWaggonerE.R. Nov. 1908
Buttle HenryMorrinsville, AnnandaleFarm ManagerR.1890
Bygrave LillaMorrinsvilleDomestic DutiesE.R. Nov 1899

Morrinsville Museum

41 Canada Street, Morrinsville (opposite the Public Library)
P. 07 889 4190

Opening Hours

  • Monday to Friday from 11.00am to 4.00pm
  • First Saturday of the month open for Morrinsville Market Day from 9.00am to 1.00pm
  • Sunday from 11.00am to 3.00pm.

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